Are you ready to shift the paradigm of sex and love on the planet?

Have you always had an inkling that you were supposed to make a big impact in the world, but you've yet to have found "the way?"

Do you feel a pull to support people in recognizing their full erotic potential but want to receive support around how to start?

Have you been searching for a framework in your practice that guides your clients into full embodiment and bliss, every time?

Are you troubled by the lack of love and authentic pleasure in the world and you want to see that change for the better?

Just imagine becoming an Orgasmic Arc™ Guide!

We Begin Soon!

Hi! I'm Genevieve, the founder of the Orgasmic Arc™

I've been in the field of sexuality and intimacy for over a decade now. I've had my hands on thousands of bodies.

Over the years, I started to watch how people's bodies seemed to follow an Arc when they were truly embodied. I pieced it together, through the channeling of my ancestors, and created The Orgasmic Arc™.

It pains me to see so many people struggling unnecessarily, disembodied from their pleasure and unconditional love available to them.

I believe that this mission is a big one.

And I need support in changing the paradigm of sex and love on the planet.

That's why I created my favorite training program yet - The Orgasmic Arc™ Guide Certification training.

Building a successful, fulfilling career is something that I've achieved in this lifetime. And I want it for all of us, so that we can change the world, together.

"A lack of love is the cause for most problems in life. When love is missing, nothing can flourish... only pain thrives."

The Orgasmic Arc™ Guide Certification

Theme One: A Deep Dive into Safety

Discover, embody, and learn how to effectively guide your client into the most important step of the Orgasmic Arc™ Safety.

Connect with fellow guides who will become your extended family in this shared, important mission!

Theme Two: An Exquisite Exploration into Intrigue

Experience your pure, authentic pleasure as you discover how to guide and give utter permission for your clients to embody THEIR pure potential for pleasure!

Theme Three: Directionality Embodiment, and Intro to Openness

Awe yourself with power and surrender as you learn about directionality in your body and how to guide others

Delight in the bliss of Openness that comes after Directionality for your clients and community

Theme Four: Bask in Beingness for Yourself and your Clients

Oh! The beauty of being! This is the golden nugget of the work, when you get to discover the beauty of the moment, and when your clients begin to experience this, as well.

Theme Five: An Exploration of Authentic Expression

What happens once your clients discover the core of their Being? Their authentic expression!

Learn how to support your clients with their embodied, authentic expression and how they can create from this place!

Theme Six: Client Attraction and Marketing

Now that you're ready to take clients, how do we attract them to us without being pushy or salesy? How do we build and sustain a practice that will result in consistent revenue?

Genevieve will guide you through ALL the tips this month!

INTRODUCING: The Orgasmic Arc™ Coach Certification 2023

A Deep Dive into Safety

Discover, embody, and learn how to effectively guide your client into the most important step of the Orgasmic Arc™: Safety. Connect with fellow guides who will become your extended family in this shared, important mission!

An Exquisite Exploration into Intrigue

Experience your pure, authentic pleasure as you discover how to guide and give utter permission for your clients to embody THEIR pure potential for pleasure!

RETREAT, Directionality Embodiment, and Intro to Openness

Meet Genevieve, the Orgasmic Arc™ Lead Coaches, and the other Orgasmic Arc guides in person in NYC June 2-4 for an immersive retreat, diving deep into the subtle energetic dynamics that make successful coaching happen!

  • Awe yourself with power and surrender as you learn about directionality in your body and how to guide others

  • Delight in the bliss of Openness that comes after Directionality for your clients and community

Bask in Beingness for Yourself and your Clients

Oh! The beauty of being! This is the golden nugget of the work, when you get to discover the beauty of the moment, and when your clients begin to experience this, as well.

An Exploration of Authentic Expression

What happens once your clients discover the core of their Being? Their authentic expression! Learn how to support your clients with their embodied, authentic expression and how they can create from this place!

Client Attraction and Marketing

Now that you're ready to take clients, how do we attract them to us without being pushy or salesy? How do we build and sustain a practice that will result in consistent revenue? Genevieve will guide you through ALL the tips this month!

Check out these experiences from last year's cohort!

Monica Jayne, NV

Alexandra Kerlin, MN

Jennifer Lane, CO

The Nitty Gritty

$9997 Certification 

Monthly Payments Available


20 modules over 3 months

(some pre-recorded, some live)

Here's everything you get with The Guide Certification Training:

  • OA course (8 modules and 2 Q&Rs)

  • All events (non-collaborative)

  • All online masterclasses + courses

  • Guide a practice client through the orgasmic arc as you embody the teachings and tools! 

  • Event retreat June 7 - 9th 2024

  • Utilize UPLVL venting™ + counterventing created by Kenya K Stevens to use in our community

  • Opportunity to become certified and licensed at the end of the training. 

Post-certification licensing: $1000/year or $100/month. Can start + stop any time.

The licensing includes: Orgasmic Arc™ courses to sell to clients, yearly event retreat, marketing on Orgasmic Arc™ platforms, monthly continuing education, continual business support, etc.

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