Because there are secrets to the energetic interplay of the universe.
Because we get to play outside of the lines.
Because kink is where we practice the edginess of our life force.
Because we’re all kinky, we all want more for ourselves, we all want to push our edges, we all want to grow.
Kink is not just whips and chains. It’s an energetic dance that is a metaphorical playground for how you go through life.
Struggling to surrender to the flow of life?
Notice what happens when you try to let go in the bedroom.
Do you notice yourself struggling to trust your partner to lead you?
Guess what? That same mistrust extends beyond the bedroom.
We play deeply with surrender, dominance, leading, and following in order to hone our skills of playing with the universe, playing with our God-self, and surrendering/being a creatrix of our reality.
It’s in the resistance to life that we struggle. It’s in the resistance to stepping into leadership that we struggle.
Both sides of the same coin, played out in between the bedsheets.
Kink is not about setting up a “scene,” it’s about curating a practice period where you get to play in energies that push your edges.
If you’re ready to take your magic to the next level and mix eros and magic while exploring your dark/shadow side, join Genevieve Pleasure, former Professional Dominatrix, for her signature kink course, “Quantum Kink.”
Yes! We will learn the basic psychology and physiology of kink and pleasure.
Yes! We will learn a systematic approach to Dominance and submission, discipline and bondage.
More importantly, we will discover the subtle energetics that make kink so. very. hot!
We’ll understand what makes a scene tantalizing.
We’ll feel inside of our bones our resistance to surrender and dive into an even deeper melting pot of our own magic.
Ten Modules
Six Q + A’s
A private community with daily support
And two kinksters, Andy and Genevieve, supporting you along the way
Recordings of sessions
Two special gifts to get you 'warmed up'!
Module One - Kink Orientation
Orient yourself to this fabulous community of kinksters!
Discover the meaning of surrender, dominance, submission, and many other key kink terms
What is kink? Understand it once and for all! Set yourself up for success to cultivate a relationship with the universe and its beautiful, subtle kinks
Module Two - Power Dynamics + Polarity
Unveil the secrets of darkness and light as polarity, and begin to play in the shadow. Recognize the beauty and sophistication of conscious power dynamics and begin to gain massive awareness into why relationships and manifestation felt like stumbling blocks for you for so long
Module Three - The Container
Feel your body let go as you discover the safety of kink and how much beauty it provides for the leader and the follower to play in their edgesHow do we set up a safe, sexy container? Discover this in this hot, yummy module!
Module Four - Permission to Get Weird
Intrigued yet? Discover how hot kink can get once it’s set up safely, and the beauty of playing with sensation and psychology to stretch your edges of possibility in the bedroom and the world!Uncover the pleasure/pain principle and how it applies to your life
Module Five - Order Me Around
What happens as the energy builds (in life and in the bedroom)? How do we meet it?Awaken to the subtle sexiness of learning how to meet the energy of direct intensity in your body, your mind, and your spirit
Module Six - Shadow Play
Everything that you ever need is within you. In this module, get ready to be blown away by the alchemical power of kink and how it can set you up for relational and life success in a big, big way!
Module Seven - Role Play
Why is role play so sexy? It’s not just about turn-on. This module will show you the magnificent game of role play and existential identity shifting. Yes, for real. Time to get really freakin' powerful.
Module Eight - Demo
One of my favorite ways of learning has always been to watch and experience. Orpheus Black and his submissive will be giving you a very juicy demo to complement the learnings!
Module Nine - Quantum Creation
Everything that you want to manifest can be acquired through the basic tools that you learn in this program. In this module, discover the beauty of authentic expression and how you can manifest and change your life into exactly what you desire. It’s so freakin' cool.
Module Ten - Celebration + Closing
YOU are absolutely incredible, divine, kinky being! Time to celebrate with a kinky party. Come dressed up in a new identity, role playing to push your edges. We’re ready for you!
Andy and Genevieve are in a lifestyle Dominant/submissive partnership.
Genevieve is the founder of The Orgasmic Arc™, a six step process for sexual satisfaction, bestselling author, former Professional Dominatrix, and Erotic Blueprint Lead Coach.
Andy is a lifelong natural Dominant, coach specializing in IFS/Parts Work, editor, and the leader of their beautiful home and family.
The two of them make love daily and have a consistent polarity at play so that their relationship is going to be sexy and connected for a lifetime. They are always moving each other to greater heights of pleasure, growth, and are deeply embodied in their awareness of non-duality and reality.
All Modules begin at 12pm ET and 45 mins in length.
Module 1 - Sept 4th
Module 2 - Sept 9th
Module 3 - Sept 17th
Module 4 - Oct 1st
Module 5 - Oct 15th
Module 6 - Oct 30th
Module 7 - Nov 6th
Module 8 - Nov 20th
Module 9 - Nov 27th
Module 10 -Dec 4th
Q + A Sept 11th 11am ET
Q + A Sept 24th 12pm ET
Q + A Oct 9th 12pm ET
Q + A Oct 22nd 12pm ET
Q + A Nov 13th 12pm ET
Q + A Nov 26th 12pm ET
To reach the most people, this course is only online. There is an in-person event in Denver in October that Genevieve will be attending that will compliment this course. If interested, please email us!
This is a course build of recorded live calls. You can access them instantly and work through them at your own pace.
A huge portion of this course is the private community hub that has multiple discussion topics on various areas of kink, daily questions answered, celebrations, and community. This is gold. You can participate as much or as little as you prefer (but of course, we encourage participation!).
Yes! Kink is an ever-evolving journey. In many ways, we all need to maintain a beginner's mindset. We will be going over psychological and physiological kink, as well as defining any terms for newbies. Plus, there are recommended resources (reading materials, films, etc.) to supplement the course if the world is new for you!